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My first experience of yoga was many years ago when I used to work in London in the fashion industry. I went along to a lunch time class at my gym and I must say, I've been hooked ever since.


I attended a local Hatha class on and off for about 5 years and it was with my wonderfully inspiring teacher, Julia Weltman, that I completed the British Wheel of Yoga Foundation Course.

I had always thought I would like to teach, so I took the initial course in order to further my knowledge of yoga and see whether it really was the right path for me. Half way through the course I fell pregnant with my second child, however I finished the course and was even doing shoulder stands at 7 months pregnant! 


After that I dipped in and out of classes but found ever more, that my weekly hour and a half class was something I looked forward to and needed as a busy mum with two small kids. It became my time to relax, breathe, stretch and just be 'me'.

This eventually led to a time in my life when I felt I was ready to continue on my yoga journey and I completed the Yoga Alliance 200 hour Teacher Training, specialising in Seasonal yoga and Ashtanga, where I trained with some exceptional teachers; Julie Hanson, Sue Woodd and Marit Griffith.


Yoga is my thing - I love the way it draws me in; I can zone in and it helps to shut off the mental chatter that can often take over our lifes; I love the way my whole body gets a sweet stretch and release. I love the way I can use my breath to find calm and peace whenever its needed.


I hope that I can now share my passion and get you to Zone In to yoga.



Qualifications -

BWY Foundation Course

200 hr Yoga Alliance, Seasonal Yoga 

50 hr Advanced Seasonal Yin Yoga 

28 hr Vinyasa Immersion Training (YA)

CIMSPA member

First Aid Training 2021


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