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Yoga to get you in the zone and just be ...


Hannah offers weekly seasonal yoga classes that offer you space and time to focus your mind, strengthen your body, bring awareness to seasonal energy and allow yourself a moment to just breathe. 



​So what is Seasonal Yoga?


Taking influences from Hatha Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Seasonal Yoga invites us to practise in tune with the seasons energy; slowing down and retreating in Winter, rising and uplifting in Spring, embracing the high energy of Summer, gathering and returning back to centre in Autumn. Just as the seasons change and flow, so too does our own energy, mood, feelings and emotions. In this fast paced, busy world that we find ourselves in, it is imperative that we find ways to step back, slow down, become more attuned to our own needs in order to maintain optimum health and well-being. 



Summertime Vibes


Late Summer - the pause between seasons - a change in the air, light and energy. As we start to come down from the summers high, its time to re-set and ground. Blackberries are ripening, evenings are darker, the school break is almost over & September is here. 

In our yoga practise we harness the stabilising and grounding aspects of the Earth energy, focusing on balance, stability and keeping ourselves nourished and uplifted as the holiday blues kick-in.











Saturday 14th September


11am - 12.30pm


WI Hall, Hersham


This new monthly class focuses on core work and strength building, helping you gain confidence to explore arm balances and inversions. 

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Sunday 6th October

11am - 4.30pm


West End Village Hall, Esher


Seasonal yoga


Nutritious lunch 


Autumn Wreath Workshop

with Kate Ray


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Friday 8th - Sunday 10th Nov '24


Florence House, Seaford, Sussex


* Only 3 spaces remaining  *


Join Nancy Campbell and I for a weekend at the coast.

Nourishing, nurturing yoga and wellness activities, coastal walks, hot soups, fires, cosy jumpers, connection and so much more ...

community collaborations ...




Sunday 15th September 


10.30am - 11.30am


Vaux Mead, Hersham​​


Organised and led by a group of local teachers, building a community through practise and connection. 


Join us once a month for an all levels class, each month led by a different teacher







Follow us on @surreycommunityyoga

 love Lindsey, Bev & Hannah x​

People in Park

Hersham Holistic Healing


We have come together and created a regular walk and talk networking group, with the aim of connecting like-minded local people who are interested in well-being and health.


Join Lisa Winn and myself for an hours stroll and chat. Make connections, socialise and get some exercise at the same time!


Next dates:

Thursday 26th September

Thursdsay 24th October


Meet 1.30pm in Herhsam.

This is a FREE event but please do book in so we can get in touch with meet up details nearer the time. 


for fun and play follow @zoneinyoga

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